Q: What is the purpose for this website and why did you create it?
A: To keep track of the 61,560+ Casascius Physical Bitcoin Addresses.

Q: What is a Bitcoin?
A: see www.weusecoins.com

Q: What is a Casascius Physical Bitcoin?
A: It is the physical form of bitcoin, protected by a tamper-evident hologram and redeemable by the secret key hidden under the hologram. For more details, check out www.casascius.com

Q: When did you create the Casascius Bitcoin Analyzer?
A: I first heard about Casascius and his Physical Bitcoins back in September 2011 on the bitcoin talk forum and I eventually purchased a few "broken" coins in late October. While waiting for them to arrive, I read the Casascius FAQ and noticed a rather long list of bitcoin addresses that he publicly posted with the intention that someone would scan the list. On November 17th I began development and on November 22nd I released the first Casascius Bitcoin "scanner" and I called it the Casascius Bitcoin Analyzer.

Q: How do you scan all those Addresses?
A: Each address is scanned by using various scripts that check a block explorer for Sent and Received BTC. With that data, the script can determine whether the coin is active, has extra bitcoin, opened, or unused.

Q: How long does it take to scan?
A: Every week the database is updated and it usually takes 6-8 Hours to complete.

Q: What does Active, Opened, Unused and Extra mean?
A: If the address has its original received bitcoin and none has been sent from that address, then it is marked Active. If an address has any amount sent from the address, it will be marked as Opened. Addresses that have not received any amount are marked Unused. Addresses that have extra bitcoin are marked with a "+" sign after it's Value.

Q: I have a Casascius Coin, how can I verify its value?
A: Type in the first few characters of the code found on the hologram into the search bar at the top of the page.

Q: HELP! My hologram has part of it's address wiped off, what can I do to find the full address?
A: If you have at least 3 letters or numbers that are consecutive, you can find your full public Casascius Bitcoin Address by typing it into the search bar at the top of the page. If your entire public address is wiped off your hologram, don't worry! Only the Private address under the hologram is needed to get your bitcoins.

Q: My Casascius Coin has its own web page! Can I post comments?
A: Yes, at the bottom of your coins page, you can add a comment and post your coins location, condition or whatever comes to mind. Think of it like a social wheresgeorge.com! :)

Q: What is this "Owned by:" field or what is the Owner List for?
A: You can now "claim" your Casascius Bitcoin and also get listed on the public Owners List of the website which displays all Casascius Bitcoin Owners and the amount of coins/bars that each have claimed. This is meant to be fun and not 100% accurate because anyone can claim any of the Casascius Bitcoin Addresses.

Q: I'm trying to comment or claim a Casascius Bitcoin but it is not working!
A: A strict 2-step CAPTCHA system is in place to eliminate spam. You must enter the correct answer to the addition problem displayed AND the current BTC price listed at the bottom of the website.

Q: I'm getting a strange error, what should I do?
A: Try using the latest Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers. If the error continues, please report it by clicking on the support link at the top of the page.